You Can Fly

“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.”
~ J. M. Barrie, Peter PanYou Can Fly

Peter Pan is one of my favorite classic Disney movies, and it’s the one book I have read over and over. If you have never heard about Peter Pan, it is a story about a boy who never grows up, but in his story, he makes some new friends and takes them on an adventure of a lifetime. He is a dreamer, and because of his dreams, he is able to fly. Many people associate Peter Pan with being childish and irresponsible. However, there’s a better way to look at it. I believe Peter Pan is an inspiration for faith, dreams, and imagination.

Without these, what do you have?

“Think of all the joy you’ll find, when you leave the world behind and bid your fears goodbye.” — “You Can Fly!”

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